Baby Lyric’s Birth

At 2am, my contractions started out of nowhere. They were immediately 4 minutes apart for 30-70 seconds for the next hour. I called my amazing midwife around 3am, and at 3;30am my water broke with a pop! Quickly, contractions became much worse and my midwife showed up shortly thereafter. No time for the birth tub, this baby flew out at 5:01am!

After a couple hours, I ended up passing out when I went for my first potty. My blood pressure wouldn’t stay up, so to the hospital we went. I got some fluids and hand my blood checked a couple times, and we finally made it back home around 4:15pm.

Baby Lyric, 20 inches long, 7lbs 5oz, born 5:01am. He’s perfect. Latched immediately, has hardly fussed and loves to sleep, snuggle and nurse!