What is home birth like?
Up until recent history, birth always took place in the home. It’s really not as complicated as it may seem. In home birth, instead of riding in a car during active labor, you get to stay home and WE come to YOU! You labor at home. You birth however and wherever you want. And you get tucked into your own bed when it’s all said and done.
No forms to sign at inconvenient times.
No rating your pain “on a scale of 1-10”.
No being confined to a bed on your back.
No being connected to multiple cords/lines.
No Pitocin to “speed things along.”
No taking your baby away to do the newborn exam.
Home birth looks like moving around during labor.
Home birth looks like eating real food during labor.
Home birth looks like the people you love most loving and supporting you.
Home birth looks like you and your partner catching your baby.
Home birth looks like your baby staying on your chest right after birth.
Home birth looks like safe, skilled, evidence-based medical care in your birth space.
In a home birth, you have the freedom to do what you want when you want. You have the freedom to choose who you want in your birth space. You get to be in your own environment, where you feel most safe. Rather than you going to your medical care, your medical care comes to you.