Breastfeeding is natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Whether you are currently pregnant, newly postpartum, or trying to navigate pumping while going back to work, we are here to help.
Tree of Life Midwifery is thrilled to partner with Robin Lommori, LM CPM IBCLC of Making Mommies to provide lactation support to the community. We offer prenatal consultations in addition to postpartum breastfeeding support. And best of all? It’s usually covered by your insurance company!
How to Get Support ASAP:
To get started with breastfeeding support, follow these easy steps and we will be in touch soon!
Submit your insurance information to The Lactation Network via this link. This will check your insurance coverage for lactation services and let Robin know how best to proceed to provide you with the best coverage for services.
Schedule a 1:1 Consult with Robin via this link. Following your inquiry for scheduling, Robin will be in touch with you shortly.