Tree of Life Midwifery Care
"Whenever and however you intend to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life." ~Ina May Gaskin~
Photo by Cherry Blossom Doula Services
Photo by P.S. Love Mommy Doula Services
Photo by Modern Mama Doula Services
Prenatal Care
We follow the same standard of care as any other licensed perinatal care provider. However, the home birth midwifery model of care is vastly different than the traditional maternity care given in our society. During your pregnancy, you can expect prenatal appointments every 4 weeks until 28 weeks pregnant, every 2 weeks from 28-36 weeks, and then (at least) weekly from 36 weeks until you birth your baby. Included in our care, we offer:
A free phone consultation prior to hiring
A free in-person meet & greet prior to hiring
1-hour long appointments
A home visit during your 3rd trimester
Comprehensive laboratory services and testing options
Emphasis on natural pregnancy support including nutrition, herbal support, and natural supplements
Referrals for ultrasound and other specialities as needed
In-home labor support
Medical oversight of both Mom and Baby - checking vitals, listening to fetal heart tones, etc.
Guidance about optimal fetal positioning and positions to help labor progress if needed
Medical supplies needed for a safe home birth environment
Full newborn care & assessment in the first few hours after birth
Support initiating breastfeeding
Postpartum Care
In-home early postpartum care
Continued breastfeeding support and resources to troubleshoot potential challenges
Comprehensive postpartum care up to 6 weeks
Well-baby care up to 6 weeks old